Meet Our Skydiving Instructors & Staff Members

Highly Trained and Experienced

Meet the Skydive Orange Team

Skydive Orange is dedicated to creating a culture of safety, growth, and development. Our number one priority is ensuring the safety of our students which is why all of our skydiving instructors and coaches are USPA-rated and highly experienced.

In addition to our instructors, our crew also includes several Instructor Examiners, a full time S&TA. Our pilots are well-trained, highly respected professionals with thousands of hours of flying experience and our manifest team is the friendliest in the business!

We all love skydiving and are eager to share our passion for the sport with you!

Chris Posillico Skydive Orange AFF Student

Chris Posillico

I always felt secure in my actions because I knew that I was well prepared by my instructors and coaches.

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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Building Community with Skydiving Events | Skydive Orange

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