Skydiving: Why It’s Different Than What You Think | Skydive Orange

The Rewards of Skydiving

Monday, May 23, 2022

Is skydiving worth it? We may be biased, but we believe skydiving is hands down the most rewarding sport to ever exist! From the physical and psychological benefits to the diverse and supportive community, the benefits of skydiving are vast. Here’s the skinny –

How Skydiving Can (And Will) Give You That Positive Boost

Many things make skydiving such a unique activity, and top of the list is personal growth and enrichment. By committing to never become complacent and to never stop learning, skydivers enjoy heaping helpings of empowerment and humility and delicious tastes of soul-nourishing self-actualization. 

The Rewards of Skydiving | Skydive Orange

To grow in the sport, it is critical to put safety first and to learn something from every. single. jump. And when has learning something — no matter how hard the lesson — not been rewarding?

Physical Benefits

After a weekend of jumping, skydivers basically have 99 problems … and they’re all sore muscles. But like, the hurts-so-good and healthy sore, ya know? 

Skydiving works muscles that can’t really be exercised in any other way. Imagine doing a muscle up + a backflip + some sit-ups all at the same time. Now, we’re not trying to freak you out; these exercises would, of course, be WAY easier to do in the sky than on the ground. But the point is, skydiving (while incredibly fun) is definitely a workout. While doing these maneuvers, you’re also carrying about 25 lbs of gear with you (as a solo jumper), so imagine doing all of the aforementioned PLUS 25 lbs of weight. Skydivers are clearly crazy, then, right? Psshh …   

Mental and Psychological Benefits

The effects of skydiving on the brain are novel and positive.

Contrary to the popular belief that skydiving is a horrifyingly exciting, near-death activity created by adrenaline junkies, it is actually a super positive, mega enjoyable, and highly-regulated experience. And during happy and exhilarating experiences, our brains release a lovely cocktail of serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and (yes) adrenaline. These chemicals mix together to create an anxiety-free and psychologically deep and rewarding experience. It is a truly remarkable feeling. (The remarks often sounding something like: WOOOOHOOOOOO!)

Social Benefits

The only social downfall of skydiving is that your non-jumping friends will most likely get annoyed with your incessant talk of skydiving! They just won’t get it until they experience it themselves! And that’s okay; it’s not for everyone.

Fortunately, the skydiving community is there to support you on and off the dropzone – from conversations about your latest dive flow to relationship advice! (Fun fact: a ‘dive flow’ pertains to the maneuvers you’ll complete during the freefall portion of the jump. It’s critical to establish a dive flow before the jump to determine an agreed-upon breakoff altitude. Plan the jump, jump the plan.)

A Mental Wake-Up Call

One of the most powerful things that skydiving does for people – whether you jump once or thousands of times – is change their perspective. 

Somehow, being physically above all of your problems makes them seem much smaller not only after each jump but also for the remainder of your life (it’s essentially magic)! Maybe it’s because jumping proves that your ability to overcome such a great mental feat means you can overcome anything else thrown your way. Whatever the reason, skydiving is truly, madly, deeply life-changing.


Skydiving Boogies and Groups

Imagine a block party with all your pals … but way more fun. That’s what skydiving with your besties from sun up to sun down feels like! And we have a fantastically funky, swinging 60s name for these epic gatherings: a boogie. 

Many boogies are held to raise awareness for particular causes or are centered around specific themes, such as Skydive Orange’s Big O Boogie this fall. Some events are based around specific groups in the skydiving community, such as Skydivers Supporting Sobriety (SSS) or Sisters in Skydiving (SIS). Women make up less than 15% of all skydivers, and SIS is intended to encourage novice female jumpers to be mentored by a “big SISter.” There are also events for beginners in certain disciplines that encourage growth within the sport. Some boogies even have hot air balloon jumps (B-license required) and other specialty aircraft. Swoon!!

Don’t Be Intimidated

Remember our “never” advice from above – never be complacent, and never stop learning? Beginners in the sport are often intimidated by the more experienced, but this simply shouldn’t be the case. It’s important to remember that everyone started at stage one.

Experienced skydivers are passionate about advancing the sport and encourage newer jumpers to delve deep into the ‘whys,’ ‘how’s,’ and ‘what ifs’ of their progression to learn as they grow. When you join the skydiving community you become a part of something that, while much bigger than you, appreciates and values you – which, quite frankly, are some of the most rewarding feelings out there. With skydiving, you’ll never get that “picked last in gym class” feeling. Positive vibes only here, guys.

We can’t wait for you to join our tribe and experience the many rewards of skydiving! Book your jump today! Blue skies!

birthday skydive

Narissa Charles: Birthday skydive

They took great care of us and made sure that our experience was one we'd never forget.

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