Skydive Orange Skydivers

More Than Just Falling From Planes: Confidence, Competition, Community

Friday, February 11, 2022

Skydivers are adrenaline-crazed loonies who only crave a thrill and jump to satiate some deep-seated death wish, right? Wrong. 





The skydiving experience is so much more than falling from a plane, packing up a parachute, and doing it all again. For us at Skydive Orange, the skydiving experience is about building confidence, participating in healthy competition, and fostering a sense of community.

For those unfamiliar with skydiving, you might struggle to see how the skydiving experience could possibly connect to those three things: confidence, competition, or community. Well, it just so happens that we are happy to explain (or to talk about anything skydiving-related, really!). 

Best Time to Skydive | Skydive Orange


We openly acknowledge skydiving is no “run of the mill” activity, but in addition to its novelty, perhaps even because of it, there is something transformative about the skydiving experience. Skydiving is metaphorically and literally leaving “perceived” safety. Once you step away from your comfort zone, you unearth something revolutionary: confidence in yourself. If you’re able to handle something this tremendous, what could possibly stand in your way? This confidence builds with each jump. As you learn and grow in the sport of skydiving, your confidence, both in the air and on the ground, grows as well.

Skydiving does not make you “better” than anyone else, but it does set you apart. Participating in skydiving makes you unique, and this difference can instill confidence within you. So many aren’t willing to give skydiving a try, but you can be among those who can say, “I did it!” In that, there is something to be intensely proud of.


Skydiving isn’t just endlessly, aimlessly tossing yourself from the aircraft. (Although, sometimes, that’s fun to do too!) There’s actually a competitive component to skydiving. Within skydiving, there are multiple competitive skydiving disciplines. These competitive skydiving disciplines range from formation skydiving to solo artistic events and are not exclusive to freefall. There are events focused entirely on canopy flight! 

As with any sport, becoming skilled in a particular competitive skydiving discipline requires proper training. To help local jumpers achieve success, at Skydive Orange we host training camps and skill workshops for jumpers of all disciplines. Often, these events are led by some of the best skydivers in our community. (Oh, and one of the coolest things about skydiving is that these exceptional athletes are as humble as humble can be. You could be sitting next to a skydiving champion at a cookout – say, someone at the top of their respective discipline with hundreds of competitions beneath their belts – and have absolutely no idea. Not so typical with the land-loving set!)

As far as skydiving competitions are concerned, some weekend-warrior jumpers choose to participate in skydiving competitions as a hobby. Other folks make competitive skydiving into a career. Regardless of where each athlete falls on the spectrum, everyone begins with that first pivotal skydiving experience.

Orange Crush MFS Team | Skydive Orange


Skydiving draws people from all walks of life together. Our community is composed of individuals from all over the world who adhere to different codes and belief systems, but they all have one critical thing in common: skydiving! The skydiving community is tightly knit. We are connected by our passion for the sport and the desire to see each other succeed. The neatest part? It only takes one skydive to join the family!

Come and join our crew! We’re ready and waiting for you!


Tandem Student Landing at Skydive Orange

Sarah Charles

I can't stop telling people they need to try it & come here. Staff is great. Will definitely come back to jump again!

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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