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The Gift of Skydiving

Thursday, October 29, 2020

When it comes to giving gifts to the people we care most about, what’s your goal? Hopefully, it’s not to tick a box on your Christmas list and be done with it; if that were the case, then socks and pajamas for everyone! Of course, those gifts are practical, but they’re altogether safe, aren’t they? You can’t screw up socks and sleepwear, but is that the kind of person you want to be? The person who plays it safe on everything? The person who gives socks and ties and boxer shorts and pajamas as gifts? Is that really who you are? 

Wouldn’t you like to give a gift that will leave them speechless? Of course, you do and you can see where this is going from a mile away, can’t you? You’re on the skydiving gift cards page – this is all about why you should be gifting a skydive and not playing it so darn safe! That’s the old you. The new you is gift-giving dangerously without fear! You’re about gifting the most unique gift in the world, and that feels so good. Let’s talk about skydiving gift certificates! 

skydiving pose the arch | skydive orange

What Your Gift Of Skydiving Will Do For Them

Visualize a chilly Christmas morning in your living room – the family are all in their PJ’s, the smell of coffee wafting through the house and the kids are excited ready to rip open some gifts – the excitement of the kids takes you back to when you were a kid on Christmas – it’s a good feeling.  After the kids have left a mountain of wrapping paper everywhere, you give your partner what looks to be a humble envelope. On the outside is their name written in your familiar handwriting; he has no idea that beyond the seal of this envelope is the greatest adventure life has to offer short of going to the moon. He opens it up, politely reads the note, and then looks at the gift card. The word doesn’t register… s-k-y-d-i-v-i-n-g. As the realization hits him, he looks up at you. Your eyes meet and you nod confirming what he’s trying to process and you say cooly, “Yeah, you’re going skydiving!” 

He is speechless. Awestruck. Excited. Scared… all at the same time

The cool part is every time he thinks about what you gave him, his heart will literally skip a beat. That thing he’s been talking about doing forever is no longer that “thing” that he’ll “one day do.” It’s gotten real and you had the cajones to buy it for him even as you feared that he might hate it. Make no mistake, people don’t want more stuff – people want experiences! No matter how well you think you know your spouse, you can be sure he doesn’t want another thing he can wear. Give the gift of a life experience and you can guarantee he will talk about it to everyone – this gift is the ultimate conversation starter! While he will undeniably say he’s nervous, he’s also incredibly happy because what we all want is a challenge to overcome – something to look forward to – something that makes our palms sweat, but in the most exciting way ever. 

That is what your skydive gift will do for him. As for you… well, you’ll be the undisputed champion of all gift-givers in the whole.wild.world. Such a sweet title. Well done champion gift giver. Well done.

So What Are You Gonna Do? 

If you’ve made it this far then you’ve imagined what the whole scene looks like, but what are you going to do? This is your moment, right now. Just like a skydiver sitting in the door of the aircraft at 13,000 feet waiting for the red light to turn green, what will you do? Will you ride the plane down and buy some socks or will you jump and purchase him the greatest life experience on the planet?! 

If you don’t have clarity on what to do next, let’s just say no one likes to ride the plane down. You know what to do. It’s go time. 

Tandem Skydive Gift Options 

Skydive Orange proudly offers skydiving gift certificates to fit just about any budget. You can purchase an amount good towards the price of a tandem skydive or you can get the whole adventurous kit and kaboodle with video, photography, fireworks (okay, we’re kidding about the fireworks). If you’re particularly savvy, you may choose to buy a skydive gift card between Black Friday and Cyber Monday (hint, hint). Below are your skydiving gift options – if you click on any you will be transported to the open door putting you in the thrilling position of making his dream come alive. Are you ready? 

Skydiving Gift Card Options at Skydive Orange


Skydiving Gift Card Terms and Conditions 


If you’re here, then you’re hesitating. It’s okay, it’s good to be thorough! Here are the ground rules on Skydiving Gift Cards. 


  • Skydiving Gift Cards are non-refundable, however, they are transferable to other people.
  • The value of a gift card does not expire. If rates increase, you can apply the value of the card towards the full retail price of a tandem skydive.
  • All participants who skydive must be at least 18 years of age regardless of parental consent. No exceptions.
  • Guests cannot weigh more than 265lbs but must be height – weight proportional. Kindly read here to learn more about tandem skydive weight limits.  Please note there is an additional surcharge for guests weighing above 220lbs. 


Have more questions? Consult with our FAQs page or contact us! We love chatting with adventurous gift-givers like yourself! 


Tandem Student Landing at Skydive Orange

Sarah Charles

I can't stop telling people they need to try it & come here. Staff is great. Will definitely come back to jump again!

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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