How To Prepare for Your First Tandem Jump

How To Prepare for Your First Tandem Jump

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Wanna know what makes skydiving so scary? The fear of the unknown! If you look at photos of people making their first tandem jump, you’ll note that they’re smiling their faces off in adrenaline-filled ecstasy! So, first and foremost, know that skydiving is an incredibly fun activity, and the more prepared you are, the more fun you’ll have! 

SO, if you’re searching for some real info that goes well beyond the cut and dry of our skydiving FAQs page, then lean in! We’ve got the real scoop on first time skydiving tips that you’ll find on the worldwide interwebs!

Tandem Skydiving Student Skydive Orange

First Tandem Jump? – Start With the Basics 

Do you know what would be absolutely terrible? Arriving at the dropzone excited to jump and then being told you’re not allowed to! Talk about a downer! SO, here are the basics that you have to know before you arrive for your first tandem skydive. 

  • Age – You’ve got to be at least 18 years old to make a skydive. Parents: even if you have a mature 16-year-old, they can’t jump even if you give consent. 
  • WeightSkydive Orange can accommodate guests up to 260lbs, but the height to weight ratio plays a big role here! If over 220lbs, be sure to contact the skydiving center for further insight. Also note, there is a surcharge for guests over 220lbs.
  • Photo ID – You know what’s the worst (and this has happened a lot)? Arriving at the skydiving center without your photo ID! Before we let you skydive, we have to verify that you are who you say you are and you’re over the age of 18. Don’t forget your ID!
  • Make a Reservation – We can accommodate walk-ins, but there’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to accommodate you (and we want to!) So, take the extra step to make your reservation in advance

First Tandem Jump: Getting Mentally Ready

Now that you’ve booked your first jump, it’s likely that your heart rate will spike every time you think about the reality of what you’ve just committed to. You’re going skydiving! YIKES! Skydiving is more fun than it is scary, and while you know that conceptually, it doesn’t exactly help to keep you calm. If you’ve never jumped before, you can’t really visualize what’s to come or even what a skydive feels like, but the best thing you can do is breathe deeply through your anxiety and fear. 

Breathe deeply through your nose and into your diaphragm and then expel that breath through your mouth. This technique works and will help you at every step until you exit the aircraft!!!! 


First Tandem Jump: Preparing Physically

Believe it or not, many people arrive for their first tandem jump who are not prepared physically – this may range from how you’re dressed to what you ate (or didn’t eat) and drink. 

  • Should You Eat Before Your First Skydive? Word to the wise: eat before you arrive for your skydive! Not eating is a sure-fire way to feel super nauseated, or worse yet, puking while under parachute. It’s a miserable experience for both you and your instructor! The irony is most people don’t eat before their skydives to protect against puking. This is a big mistake! Your skydiving experience is a true adrenaline rush that can drain your blood sugar if you’ve not eaten. So don’t skip that meal!
  • What To Eat Before Your Skydive? 

We love an Arby’s Beef and Cheddar with curly fries and a Dr. Pepper as much as the next person, but save that for your celebratory meal after your jump! Overeating before your jump is a recipe for trouble. A good and balanced breakfast or lunch is the right play. Think oatmeal, cereal and a banana (it’s what your mom’s been telling you to eat for years, anyway) or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Keep it light and be hydrated before you arrive especially if it’s a hot day!

  • Jumping While Hungover?

You’d think that we wouldn’t need to include this, but we do because we’ve seen it all. Ladies and gents, please do not skydive while hungover. It’s a bad idea! ‘Nuff said!

  • What Shoes Should You Wear?

We know that your shoe game is hot, but it may not translate well for the best skydiving experience. Tennis shoes or running shoes are perfect. Leave your cowboy boots or your Lady Gaga-inspired meat shoes at home; they won’t work here!


  • How To Dress for Success On Your First JumpWhen it comes to clothing we’re wanting to prevent the following: you getting cold, getting pinched, or getting tangled up in anything you shouldn’t! This all translates to wearing loose, but not baggy clothing. Long pants win over short pants (no Daisy Dukes, please!) and clothing that can be layered (no big and bulky jackets)  Here’s the full lowdown on what to wear and not wear for your first skydive.

  • Take Care of the Hair and Jewels

Ladies and gents, if you’ve got long hair, you’ll want to bring your hair tie or scrunchie (we won’t judge) to keep things under control! If you’ve got a ZZ Top beard, you’ll want to get that under wraps as well as your skydiving photos will bring about more laughter than admiration! If you love your engagement ring and don’t want to risk losing it forever in the Orange countryside, be sure to leave all that at home! Remember you don’t need jewels to make you look beautiful – you look great just the way you are! 

Okay, that about does it! If you’ve got questions that we haven’t covered here, please feel free to contact us

Dave Harris Skydive Orange AFF Student

Dave Harris – South Riding, VA

South Riding, VA

The instructors and coaches were incredibly competent, professional and fun to be around.

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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