Community Check-In: Alberto Macias

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Community Check-In: Alberto Macias

Name: Alberto Macias

What is your role at Skydive Orange?

My name is Alberto Macias and I used to be the lead janitor, but with hard work I earned my ratings and became an instructor.

How long have you been in the sport?

I have been jumping since 2010 and I honestly stop counting but I easily have 3500+ jumps.

How did you first learn about skydiving/what brought you to the sport?

My cousin did a tandem and when I saw his pictures and video I was immediately interested. Unfortunately, I wasn’t 18 a the time so I had to wait.

Who would you invite to join you on your dream 3-way?

That is a easy one, it would be Tom Deacon and Jay Stokes. Both have played a major role in my skydiving career. I earned most of my ratings through Tom and a few from Jay. They have so much knowledge and experience, both have been great mentors, role models and friends.

What’s you next skydiving goal?

Currently I am working on becoming an Examiner in every rating. I enjoy teaching and would love to make skydivers into instructors.

Tell us about your most rewarding skydive to date.

I believe that every jump is rewarding but if I had to choose one that stands out the most it would have to be getting to jump with a WWII veteran who landed in Normandy on D-Day.

What is your favorite thing about the skydiving community?

I would have to say the people in the sport, we truly do become a family and we all look at for each other.

What is the biggest challenge you’re battling in light of COVID-19?

The biggest challenge I am having at the moment is trying to make a 24 pack of beer last more than 2 days.

There are a lot of challenges with Coronavirus, but what are the silver linings about all of this that you hadn’t anticipated?

I started to cook more at home rather than ordering out. I am learning to make new dishes and having fun making them too. The only downside is having to clean the dishes after enjoying a good meal.

Everyone is facing challenges. What companies or people have impressed you during these challenging times?

It has to be veterinary hospitals for sure, with everything going on it is easy to forget that pets need care too. They are keeping the doors open and putting their employee’s health at risk to make sure our pets stay healthy.

We’ve all taken things for granted, that we now miss and appreciate. Outside of skydiving, what had you taken for granted that you appreciate more now?

I love food so it has to be going out to a restaurant with good company, enjoying a good burger and beer.

Aside from skydiving, what are you most looking forward to doing when all of this is over?

Being able to travel and enjoying the outdoors. I need an actual vacation and not a stay-cation.

If you could recommend one song for everyone to listen to, what would it be?

Healing by Rebelution

Who/what is your spirit animal?

At the moment, a panda because all I’m doing is eating, sleeping and repeating.

Tell us about a memory that instantly makes you smile?

I farted thinking it was going to be silent and boy was I wrong. I tried playing it off but it didn’t work, at the time it was a little embarrassing but now that I look back at that moment I laugh and smile.

birthday skydive

Stephanie Ann

The customer service was amazing and the people were outgoing and fun and made it a great time before, during and after the jump!

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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