Skydiving: Fun For Nearly Every Age | Skydive Orange

Skydiving: Fun for Nearly Every Age

Thursday, January 30, 2020

You might be surprised to read that skydiving is, in fact, an activity fit for participants of nearly every age. Indeed, technically speaking, there is no skydiving age limit or maximum skydiving age. Individuals up to 103 years old (you read that right!) have been able to experience the joy of flight on a skydive. When determining if someone can skydive, the primary concerns are fitness and general health. 

There is, however, at many skydiving facilities, a minimum age to skydive. 

Minimum Age for Skydiving

The minimum age for skydiving is a bit more complicated. There’s no law stating a minimum skydiving age. Rather, the United States Parachute Association has put a standard in place that group member dropzones adhere to – the minimum age for skydiving for USPA group member dropzones is 18 years of age. However, non-group member dropzones may accommodate customers under the age of 18. The choice to take guests under 18 is up to the discretion of the dropzone. 

Leah Levy | Skydive Orange

Specialty Cases

In the United States, USPA group member dropzones have made exceptions to the minimum skydiving age. However, this is rarely done and requires special circumstances. Terminally ill individuals can apply for a waiver to make a skydive if they do not meet the minimum age for skydiving. During the 2019 USPA Board of Directors Meeting, a section was even added to the Skydiver’s Information Manual addressing these special cases. Though it should be noted, even in these special cases, the equipment manufacturers must also approve their gear to be utilized in a skydive where the participant does not meet the minimum age for skydiving.

Why Is There a Minimum Age for Skydiving?

Liability is the primary reason there is a minimum age for skydiving. In the United States, we have a fairly litigious society. The age of majority is when an individual is considered a legal adult. When the age of majority is reached, an individual assumes legal control over themselves. Because lawsuits are so common in the United States, from a legal perspective, it makes sense to have a minimum skydiving age that mirrors the age of majority. 

Skydiving Fun for Nearly Every Age | Skydive Orange

Skydiving Minimum Ages Around the World

While 18 is the minimum skydiving age for USPA group member dropzones in the United States, the minimum age to skydive varies country by country. For example, the majority of European countries (France, Norway, and the United Kingdom specifically) all have the minimum age for skydiving set at 16.  In Australia, the minimum age for skydiving is as low as 12, and in New Zealand, there is no minimum skydiving age. 

What About the Minimum Skydiving Age at Skydive Orange?

As a USPA group member dropzone, the minimum skydiving age to participate in parachuting activities with Skydive Orange is 18. 

Are you 18 or 80, or maybe somewhere in between? If so, pay us a visit at Skydive Orange and let us show you the time of your life!

Kurt Rosell Skydive Orange AFF Student

Kurt Rosell – Alexandria, VA

Alexandria, VA

Skydive Orange was a fantastic place to get comfortable and learn all the skills necessary to skydive.

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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