Inspired by the thrill of competition, Orange Crush, originally formed in the summer of 2018 with members Ali Criss, Trevor Gibbs, and Kevin Haugh. As of January 2019, the team consisted of Kevin Haugh, Trevor Gibbs, and Dillon Golnick.
Soon after cementing the lineup, the team realized that it would be near impossible to have a solid training schedule while each pursuing their own individual goals. The team decided they needed an official alternate: someone who could pick up the dive pool quickly, was already a proficient flyer, and who also had the drive and commitment to be a part of a team, the team added Meredith Rydalch as official alternate and videographer. The team regularly organize at Skydive Orange and host a myriad of tunnel events ranging from huck jams to scrambles.
The premier line up of Orange Crush won several indoor competitions and placed 5th in Advanced MFS at the 2018 Nationals. In addition to these accolades, Dillon, Trevor, and Kevin were all on the 2018 Virginia Head Down Record.
As a team, Orange Crush aims to have fun, get better, and be the best they can be when they fly. Ultimately, as a team, they aim to perform even better than they did last year at Nationals, and they would like to continue to help foster a strong free fly scene and skill set in the Virginia area through skills camps, both indoors and outdoors.
Kevin Haugh is an active duty Marine who began skydiving in 2011. Kevin can be seen around Skydive Orange helping out with AFF, Tandems, and Video. He is a freefly organizer, and occasionally, you can find him doing canopy coaching with interested canopy pilots. Kevin Haugh relocated to Virginia in 2018 and began jumping at Skydive Orange. He stayed at Skydive Orange because of the “family feel” he got from the drop zone.
Meredith Rydalch is an engineer in the Air Force. She began jumping with the United States Air Force Wings of Blue parachute team in 2012. She chose Skydive Orange as her home drop zone because of the awesome group of flyers with a wide range of skills and disciplines and the rad people who also make this drop zone their home.
Dillon Golnick is the lead instructor at iFLY Loudon. He made his debut in the sky in 2012. Dillon coaches several of Skydive Orange’s jumpers in the wind tunnel and regularly helps to organize the Orange Crush tunnel events. He enjoys jumping at Skydive Orange because of the aircraft, the cool boogies, cooler staff, and because his friends also choose Skydive Orange as their home dz. It also helps that his cat is orange—that sealed the deal.
Trevor Gibbs is the General Manager of iFLY Loudon. He began skydiving in 2008 while in college. Shortly after getting his A License, he began working at iFly Orlando as a customer service representative. After 8 months, he was offered a position as a Flight Instructor and graduated the FITP training program. After a year, he transferred to open and work the corporate location at iFLY Austin. While in Austin, he became a level 4 instructor and participated in multiple head down camps and was invited to the Texas State HD record (and all with just over 100 jumps). In 2013, Trevor left his position at iFLY to pursue other opportunities.
After two years as a managing partner in a small restaurant corporation, he accepted the position of Assistant General Manager at iFLY Loudoun and moved to Virginia in February 2016. A year later, he was promoted to General Manager and has been working to support the local skydiving community.
Since moving to Virginia, the two state records he has been a part of have grown from 14 to 28 participants, doubling in size and providing a testament to the improvement and dedication to the skydiving community in Northern Virginia.
Primarily a fun jumper at Skydive Orange, Trevor does intend on getting his coach rating.
Trevor chooses to jump at Skydive Orange, because the facility, employees, pilots, and aircraft are all world class.
These guys are a team to keep your eye on! Follow them here on their official Facebook page. Visit Skydive Orange for your chance to jump with Orange Crush today!
The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.
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