The HALO Tandem Jump | Skydive Orange

Tips For A Successful Skydive

Monday, July 23, 2018

Success! We strive for it, hope for it, and desire to attain it. It isn’t any different with skydiving.

You finally found the moxie to make a jump. The reservation is in place, but now, you’re bubbling over with nerves and a little high strung.  It’s not every day you skydive. How should you prepare? What should you wear? What should you do? Your mind is racing a million miles a minute with so many questions. Well, we understand your concerns, but we bet that we can help assuage those jitters and help set you up for a skydive that is a shining success. We’ve got the best tips in the business to make sure you have a successful skydive.

Snack Smart and Nourish Normally

One of the best tips we can give you to help ensure your skydive is a success is to eat as you would any other day. Tons of people are under the misconception that they should avoid eating before their skydive. This only serves to leave you feeling lightheaded and, probably, a bit cranky too! Don’t skip a meal and let your blood sugar dip! Having a little something on your stomach can help prevent you from feeling queasy under canopy. Another tip is to bring a little something with you—a piece of fruit or granola bar—to keep you from feeling famished while you wait.

Tips For A Successful Skydive | Skydive Orange

Think Logically

Skydiving is death-defying right? Wrong. In fact, statistics show that your drive to the drop zone is much more dangerous than the skydive itself. We do not deny that skydiving is extreme, but by following the safety regulations put in place by the United States Parachute Association and attention to detail, a fair amount of the risk involved in skydiving is mitigated.

Turn Down the Bottle

While liquid courage may seem like a good way to allay your nerves, it’s a poor choice to make before a skydive and one that can prevent you from jumping. If we suspect that you have alcohol in your system when you come to make a skydive, we will not allow you to jump. Alcohol impairs judgement, and you need to be firing on all cylinders to have a successful skydive. Drinking heavily the night before is also a big no-no. You know how bad a regular hangover can be? Double it, and that is close to what it feels like to skydive with a hangover. Plus, your instructor will not take kindly if you upchuck your lunch on him or her under canopy.

Tips For A Successful Skydive | Skydive Orange

Count Sheep with Confidence the Night Before

To make sure your skydive is a success, be sure to rest up the night before. It is proven that your brain doesn’t function quite as well after a sleepless night, and it is important for you to be able to follow the instructions your tandem master gives. We want you to bring your best, well rested, happy self when you come to skydive, so we can show you the best time possible!

Colm Walker Skydive Orange AFF Student

Colm Walker – Baltimore, MD

Baltimore, MD

The best thing about Skydive Orange is the attitude and culture. The vibe is to welcome new jumpers to the sport and the world of skydiving. You are not treated like a revenue source. You are treated with care and attention.

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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