Why Starting Out Tandem Is A Good Idea

You’ve Made a Tandem, What’s Next?

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Ready. Set. Go.

And out the door you went. You were free as a bird passing through that big expanse of open sky at 120 mph. Since then, you’ve been trying to tell people (let’s be honest, everyone you’ve come into contact with) about what it was like to fly. Even being back on the ground and back into your routine wasn’t enough to bring you back down to earth, and your head is still in the clouds.

What if we told you, you don’t have to come back down. You can keep the good times rolling and the momentum going. If you are ready for the time of your life, we have a few ideas to get you started.


  1. Get Certified As A Licensed Skydiver

Jumping solo is a great way to take it to the next level. Obtaining your USPA A-License signifies that you have completed training and are adept enough to skydive by yourself. Once you have completed training with Skydive Orange, the world is your pearl and you can skydive ANYWHERE!

first time skydiver exiting plane with instructor

2. Take To The Sky with Tons of New Friends

Welcome to the sport with the most support around! Skydivers at many drop zones and at Skydive Orange in particular, are a group of people that enjoy encouraging new jumpers (like you) to improve.  With friendship and mentorship like that, you are bound to succeed. Soon,

you will learn what it’s like to jump with tons of your friends—enjoying smiles all around.


3. Explore Various Disciplines

Skydiving is really an umbrella term. Really, it’s the amalgamation of several different sub-disciplines. Some types of skydiving are done with the belly relative to the earth. On these Relative Work skydives (RW), the jumpers link up with each other and create different formations in the sky. In another discipline, the skydivers change their orientation and fly in a sitting position with feet down. Sometimes, these free flyers will fly head down! There are even sub-disciplines that play primarily with the parachutes. These jumpers zip around the sky swooping down, like a hawk speeding across the ground, at 50 mph or more. And that’s barely skimming the surface (no pun intended). As you become involved in the sport, you’ll learn that the sky is one big playground, and there is even more to do!

first time skydiver in freefall over Northern Virginia

The sport of skydiving is made up of several parts: comradery, fun, and skills. And, if you are passionate, there is a lot this sport can offer you. As you can probably tell, your tandem skydive was just the beginning. A great adventure awaits! Come see for yourself—this could be the most satisfying choice of your life.

birthday skydive

Narissa Charles: Birthday skydive

They took great care of us and made sure that our experience was one we'd never forget.

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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