female skydiver gives a big smile

Why Skydivers Are Happier People

Monday, December 11, 2017

We don’t usually like to toot our own lil’ horns, but y’know what?

We’re happier than you.

Before you get offended and stomp off, hold up: This ain’t no nyah, nyah, nyah. This is a call to action. Skydivers are some of the happiest people in the world–a fact which will be totally obvious the moment you first step onto a dropzone–and this is the kind of happy that you’d be well advised to look into. You definitely want some of whatever we’re on, and what we’re on is a plane with a clear plastic door. Here’s why.

We’re Constantly Challenging Ourselves.

Stagnancy is a killer. The field of evolutionary psychology has been tearing itself up since forever to discover exactly why this is the case–but, for whatever adaptive reason, nature hardwired humans to always look towards the next horizon. That’s why a beautiful diamond necklace only makes you purr with pleasure when you first open the box and put it on; why you start pushing your start time at your dream job a few months after signing the contract; why even the hottest celebrity couples all seem to end up cheating on each other eventually.

Finding a healthy expression for the kind of personal challenge that intelligently pushes limits has a revolutionary effect on the rest of the subject’s life. Skydiving is just such a challenge. It asks us to work just a little bit harder for the kind of precision that drives this very real sport forward. It’s an immense undertaking, yes. And it’s life-alteringly fun.

We Always Have Something To Look Forward To.

Skydiving gives life a compelling shape. This remains true whether we’re training towards participating in a world meet or a huge record, looking forward to attending a skydiving boogie with hundreds of our friends or simply counting off the hours until our next jump. Relishing the anticipation of wonderful things to come reliably changes the quality of the day spent in so doing. Generally, it brings a dreamy smile to our faces.

We Drink More Beer.

That’s a glib way of putting it, but it’s true. Skydiving is, inherently, a very social pursuit. Our after-hours events–often involving a campfire, good food and enjoying the “beer fine” of a happy skydiver who just accomplished something new–pepper our lives liberally with profoundly happy memories. We’re surrounded by people with a common passion, and those people care as deeply about us as they do about the freefall. In the end, the appeal of skydiving is hardly about adrenaline at all.

So…whaddaya say? Are you ready to not just turn that frown upside down but perhaps keep it for good? Come out to Skydive Orange and tackle your solo skydiving certification. We’re looking so forward to welcoming you into the fold.

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Christine Minaj

Had the best experience here ever for my first skydiving adventure!

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