3rd Dimension Productions

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bobby Page with 3rd Dimension Productions Skydiving Exhibition Team does demos all over Mid-Atlantic Region. Bobby recruits most of his fellow demo jumpers from Skydive Orange, where Bobby is also an aerial photographer.

Check back for more demos!

The 3rd Dimension Productions Skydiving Exhibition Team was invited to jump into the Cal Ripken World Series in Aberdeen, MD on 16 August 2014.  Needless to say, the performance was off the hook!  The team got to meet Cal Ripken and Grayson Hoffman got to throw in the first pitch of the Future’s Game.  3DP then delivered in high fashion and the crowd loved them!  Mark Frymire was solid on ground crew capturing the demo on video as Kevin Reynolds, Jr. landed first pumping up the crowd and getting them psyched!  Bobby Page came in next swooping hot all the way past home plate to high five the crowd up close and personal!  Then Grayson wrapped up the show with a stellar swoop to the pitcher’s mound coming right through an opening in the outfield wall.  It was a beautiful night for a jump and a fantastic crowd to perform for.  Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the demo for them! Be sure to stay tuned to this blog to find out where the 3rd Dimension Productions skydiving exhibition team will be jumping next!

Here’s the ground video:

And the aerial video:

The 3rd Dimension Productions Skydiving Exhibition Team kicked off the Louisa County High School 2014 Football Season the right way with a big time parachute demonstration!  It was a beautiful evening as the four skydivers jumped onto the field for the always amazing crowd at the Lions’ Football Stadium!  Ashley Hoffman, Becky Guinn, and Senator Tom Garrett were on the field to handle ground crew.  Kevin Reynolds, Jr. landed first bringing in the game ball and energizing the crowd!  He was followed by Mario Ripa, one of the main tandem instructors at Skydive Orange.  Next, Bobby Page came swooping across the length of the field and Grayson Hoffman wrapped up the show with another hot swoop to keep the crowd on their feet!

Complete with the best sports event announcers around, Chuck Moss, this demo was a blast to be a part of!  If you have not heard Chuck call a game and introduce skydivers, you are missing out!  Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!

Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the demo for them!

Another beautiful evening across the Virginia landscape to perform a skydiving exhibition!  3rd Dimension Productions arrived in high style at William Monroe High School to help kickoff the Dragons’ Home Opening Football Game in Stanardsville, VA!  Kevin Reynolds, Jr. brought the crowd to their feet with a perfect landing at the 50 yard line!  Bobby followed that up with a high energy swoop that took up most of the field and included the pair’s signature high five as Bobby blazed past Kevin.  Energizing the crowd is what the team does and the Dragons went on to win 19-14.  Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team and to Dinah Page, Corie Reynolds, and Kevin Reynolds, Sr. for helping out on ground crew!


Thanks to the great people at The James Monroe High School for having usFriday night, September 12th. Another perfect night for demos resulted in another perfect night of demos for 3DP.  This crowd had never seen parachutists and Kevin Reynolds, Jr., landing first, got them fired up. T.J. Hammond landed second coming in hot to give the crowd a thrill.  And Bobby Page wrapped up the show with a high speed swoop surfing to the opposite 20 yard line..!  The team had a blast and got to high five The James Monroe High School Football team before kickoff..!  Special thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team, and to David Cherry and Kevin Reynolds for their on point ground crew work.

3rd Dimension Productions killing it for the Cyclones of Eastern View High School for their Homecoming Game! With a beautiful sunset as their backdrop, Kevin Reynolds, Jr., T.J. Hammond, and Bobby Page got the job done! And so did the Cyclones beating their opponent 49-7! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying us, to Dinah Page for capturing the video, and to David Cherry and Daniel Wilsey for doing a fantastic job on ground crew. Special guests included Kevin Reynolds, Sr. and Ed Scott, Culpeper’s representative in the Virginia House of Delegates!


What a great time jumping for the fine students, faculty, and staff at Locust Grove Primary School on 9/26/14. Hopefully, the team made National Reading Day a bit more dynamic for the kids! Great job to Bobby Page, Steve Townsend, David Wybenga, Kevin Reynolds, Jr., and T.J. Hammond jumping today! Thanks also to Gigi Rucker and Bob Wulin for their stellar ground crew work. Special thanks to Sherri Thomas McGhee, Jess Johnson and the great folks at LGPS for having us! Jumping for kids is always the best – they are very genuine and excited.  Skydive Orange was happy to be the corporate sponsor of this event for the kids of Orange County!


One of the team’s favorite places to jump! An electric atmosphere at sunset in stunning Lynchburg, Virginia! Thanks to the Athletic Department at Liberty University and to all of the welcoming and enthusiastic fans! Special thanks to Charlie Gittins of Blue Ridge Skydiving Adventures for flying and to Senator Tom Garrett for doing ground crew! Bobby Page could not make this one, but Kevin Reynolds and TJ Hammond rocked it! The team looks forward to getting back in the air over Liberty again very soon! Go Flames!


The team completed its first night demo of the season performing for The Covenant School at Albemarle High School in Charlottesville, VA on 10/17/14!  Kevin Reynolds Jr. got the crowd and football team pumped up!  TJ Hammond was next followed closely by Bobby Page carrying in the American Flag!  The crowd had not seen anything like this before!  A lot of logistics had to happen in short order for this demo to come off successfully, and the 3rd Dimension Productions team would like to thank all the folks from The Covenant School and Albemarle High School for their superb efforts in a job well done!  Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team and to Corie Reynolds for helping out on ground crew!  Come see us perform at Orange County High School Friday, 10/24/14!


Fantastic jump for the team on 10/24/14 into Porterfield Park.  Demos are great, night demos are better, and doing a night demo in front of our home town is criminally fun!  The team was rocking the Pink for everyone impacted by cancer!   Skydive Orange, 3rd Dimension Productions, and Reynolds Chevy, Cadillac, Buick, GMC, Subaru bringing the excitement in support of Hornet football.    Thanks to Mark Cole and Orange County High School for having the team perform!   Skydive Orange and 3rd Dimension Productions tore it up at Porterfield Park in front of hundreds of fans! Great job on ground crew by Gigi Rucker and spot-on flying by Jonathan Furnari; both of Skydive Orange.   Especially thankful to Kevin Reynolds, Sr. and John Reynolds for being the corporate sponsors of the game.   Always fun working in conjunction with Skydive Orange and Reynolds Cadillac, Buick, GMC Truck, Subaru Inc. Great landing by Kevin Reynolds, Jr. to get the crowd charged up followed quickly by Bobby Page and John Elmore to keep the crowd on their feet and cheering!  Go Hornets!

Watch the Video!


Possibly the last demo of 2014 for the 3rd Dimension Productions Skydiving Exhibition Team!  To help Wilson Memorial High School honor veterans with their Military Appreciation Night, the team jumped into their home football game in Fishersville, VA with the game ball and the American Flag! It was a cold night but a great crowd was on hand to welcome the skydivers! Kevin Reynolds, Jr. landed first with the ball followed closely by Bobby Page with the flag. It was a great event and the team hopes they can get back to perform for the Green Hornets again next year! Thanks to Dinah Page for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team!

See you all next year!

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About Whitney Payne

Co-Operations Manager at Skydive Orange - Working with Skydive Orange for 10+ years - Previously positions held: Office manager, manifest, guest services, social media manager, she does it all! “If you told be 10 years ago I’d be co-managing a skydiving facility and loving every minute of it, I would have laughed in your face. I am not an adrenaline junkie, not spontaneous and definitely not a thrill-seeker but I love these people. Skydivers are truly a different breed of people and I am forever thankful for them accepting me into their community. Watching people visit Skydive Orange to face fears, celebrate milestones or just jump out of a perfectly good airplane has been truly life changing for me and helped be become the person I am today.” – Whitney Payne

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Tandem Student Landing at Skydive Orange

Megan Kile

I would definitely recommend Skydive Orange to anyone wanting to jump!!!

The largest tandem skydiving center near Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.

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